Archery - Community Coach Accreditation

Guides age 16+ are invited to become accredited as an Archery Australia Community Coach

You will be:

  • Accredited for 3 years.
  • Provided the opportunity to develop participants' skills and ensure a fun, safe, and inclusive environment.
  • Able to effectively deliver 'Come N Try' workshops while managing the demands of all levels of participants, parents, and spectators.

Pre-work required:

Print the two attached booklets. Read and complete them as best as you can. These will be reviewed during the training.

 Community Coach Pre-Learning

 Community Coach WorkBook

BYO food - snacks, drinks, lunch

Youth age 16/17 - $150 per person
Adults - $150 per person
Adults - $50 per person
(if you agree to facilitate/staff two 8-hour days of archery for GGQ members in the next 12 months)

Minimum 6 registrations required to proceed.

Questions? Please contact Donna Thompson, GGQ Outdoors Coordinator, at [email protected]

14/07/2024 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
E. Australia Standard Time
Guide House 35 Tamarind St MARSDEN QLD 4132

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